Wish 468 Completed
Wish 468 completed…A combination of Sports Direct, One4All and Love2Shop Gift Cards for a young adult cancer patient from Leicester to...
Wish 468 Completed
John Florio raises amazing £635!
Comedy Night - June: Laughs Had & Funds Raised
Incredible Garden Glastonbury
GGGC Sky Dive raises over £5k!
New Plough Inn Pub raises £630
Wish 467 Completed
Rochdale Supporters FC v Edgar's Gift XI
April Comedy Night was a hit!
Barry Town Champions!
Thank You to British Gas
Amy's Gold Cup raises over £530!
Glen Gorse Golf Club Curry Night
World Cup Competition Winner
Wish 466 Completed
Holiday Home Upgraded
Comedy Night a whole lot of fun!
Charity of the Year for Glen Gorse Golf Club
Edgar's Gift at Donington Park
Edgar's Gift return to Barry Island